A Garage Speaker System
Today, I woke up with a weird feeling of making a 6502-based computer. But after looking up prices of components, it quickly disappeared. So I didn’t know what to do. After a while, I realized what I should do. Make a garage speaker system. (but the idea with the 6502 computer isn’t out of my mind yet, so I might revisit it some other time)
I got a 50Wx2 amplifier for Christmas and dug out 2 car speakers and a broken subwoofer. When I plugged in the subwoofer into power, it started humming. It worked, but the 50Hz humming was pretty unpleasant. The subwoofer was made in the year 2005 during the so-called “capacitor plague.” This was a time when capacitors were made with such poor quality that most of them are bulging or are about to bulge.
After a quick trip to GM Electronics (local electronics shop) and a few minutes spent on soldering, the subwoofer worked. After fixing the subwoofer, I got very motivated. So I also bought other parts for the amplifier (C14 power socket, RCA plugs, speaker connectors, etc.) and started designing.
TO be continued…
– Patrik, 27.12.2023